month : 06/2019 4 results

The Four Types of “Yes” in Hollywood and What They Actually Mean

Every writer dreams of the day when a producer reads their script and shouts out a jubilant “YES!” when asked if they like it. We all want to be an overnight success giving an awards speech thanking those people who have been nice to us and there are probably more than a few of us who want to name every single one of our enemies until the music starts at which point we will produce a megaphone from under our dress and continue.

Attn Romcom Writers: New Streaming Platform Passionflix Focuses Solely on Sweet Romance

Tosca Musk has made a career of writing, directing and producing romantic films. But when it comes to the digital frontier, she’s also as tech-savvy and forward-thinking as any tech guru in Silicon Valley. It’s no secret streaming platform Netflix has forever changed the television industry. But Netflix’s vision of aggressively creating new content to please the masses may leave many niche TV viewers, particularly fans of the romance genre, in the dark.

Want To Grow As A Writer? Try These Things

Anyone reading this article is probably looking to grow as a writer. Growth is one of the hardest things to do as a creative person, but most people who have ‘made it’ in this business will tell you it is a necessary and never-ending process. There’s no one Promised Land of Perfection where everything you write will be easy and flawless. The best any writer can do is work hard and keep learning.

10 Must-Read Quotes From Famous Directors

Filmmaking how-to articles offer us fresh ideas and new methods for creating material. Anyone looking to grow as a filmmaker needs to be constantly working on growing as an artist.
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