month : 04/2017 8 results

What to Expect from a Writer’s Strike

What Would a Strike Mean To New Screenwriters? Hard to say. It’s easier to figure out what it doesn’t mean to new screenwriters than what it does. We're here to help you navigate this possible strike.

Finding Inspiration in the Story Behind the Story

It’s no secret that the most beloved and powerful stories come out of tragedy, adversity and struggle.

5 Steps to Finishing That Screenplay— The Boulder Tag Team Accountability System

Have you ever scrapped a script idea before you finished the outline? Or have you gotten stuck in act two and put the project on “the back burner?” Have you blazed through the first draft and never looked at the project again? Hands up. I’m talking to you.

The Lost City of Z writer/director talks obsession, shooting in the jungle and ignoring Coppola’s advice

The new film, The Lost City of Z, was written and directed by James Gray and tells the true story of Percival Fawcett, a British explorer who disappeared in the Amazon jungle in 1925. If Fawcett’s name doesn’t ring a bell, you may be surprised to learn he’s one of the inspirations for the character Indiana Jones. Like Indiana, Fawcett ...

On Writing Disability

I was born with spina bifida and I love movies. These things have always been true. Yet, I never saw myself much on movie screens, unless you count something like Forrest Gump. My lumping myself in with a character who, in fact, is mentally challenged, is purposeful, because it seems both audiences and creatives alike put people like me in to ...

Blurbs and Loglines and Synopses… Oh My!

One of the most dreaded tasks of screenwriting is writing about your work. You’ve just spent months or even years crafting your screenplay. You’ve whittled it down to a lean mean one hundred and two pages and now you’re asked to cut it down to a one or two-page synopsis, or a single paragraph blurb or, worst of all, a single sentence ...

3 Secrets of Successful People that Work for Writers Too

Why do some writers produce so much and others flounder and flail time after time? Is there a secret ingredient that makes all the difference between someone with the success of Steve Jobs and the rest of us mere mortals?

When Is the Idea Worth Pursuing the Draft?

How do you know when the idea you have is THE idea. We're here to help you figure that out -- best we can.
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